Sunday, October 13, 2024

Don't call it a comeback or return...

It's been almost 8 or 9 years since I've made a blogpost. The 2020's have been a wild ride in terms of life-changing things going on for myself. For starters, I've finally moved out of my parent's house at long last, as I've should've done so. On top of that, I've finally got a townhome that I've paid for and rented out. So, that's what makes me happy as well. I've gotten a MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, an iPad, and good ole iPhone. As well as the dream gaming system that I've wanted for so long. Wireless headsets and all. The only drawback is that I work as a Cook, but it's better than nothing. As well as work as a Creative Director/Sr. Web Designer at Celestial Graphics & Media to add. And I've finally married my waifu, and we're having a blast. And lastly, I've gotten a new car to go with it. So yeah, life has been pretty good. And I can't believe that I'm even saying it. I'm thankful for what the Lord has done for my life. We've had a complicated relationship through and through, be fair...he's done good things for me in my life. And now, I'm going to try and appreciate more of this life that I have. Check y'all another time.

Friday, June 9, 2017

The Final Journal Entry of my adolesence years...

This is the final journal entry of my childhood and through my adolescence. This one takes me a back, because this was from the heart. This is the reflection of everything that I've accumulated in my life, and how I still feel today. I'm aware that this seems strange having to reach the final entry, but...the other entries that I've had were filler. But this final journal entry, serves as a reflection in my writing. From the main characters of both my magnum opuses (C.T.W., S.A.W., and Theseus & the Olympian Angels), to all of the literary elements, that make up my whole series. I hope you find pleasure in reading this, as this has been quite a journey for me. Even if this were to be the ending days, which I wouldn't pass me, at least I can look back at who I was, and how I still feel about myself today. With that, I'll post my final Journal Entry and leave away to working screenwriting more.


Dear Journal,

Hey buddy, long time no see, it’s been days without a real and close friend, to talk to. Pretty soon, I’ll need to get a new one, and start all over. Basically, the whole world continues to mess itself up a lot more than ever, and the alienation towards me in the family continues to grow as well. So yeah, really nothing much else has really changed. My two sisters have now gone off to college, while taking care of my first ever niece, so I guess that makes me an uncle. The only people in the house at this point, outside of me, is my brother, who’s way too into superheroes, and my sister, who's starting to go to Middle School, which that’s a huge change.

As for me, since this is my last and final entry, there’s just a lot of things that I need to work on with myself, and start getting back to becoming the stud and bad ass, that I’d always model myself to be. [G.B.III1] In my path to become a polymath, find me the dream girl, that I’d want to be with, and share an intimate relationship with. One with no alienation, isolation, or callous and uncaring, judgmental, and a relationship with warmth, encouragement, love, and support, and equality. I also felt the need to go back to the gym, weight-lift 3 to 4 times a week, eat a lot more proteins, and gain more lean muscle, and start honing my skill sets, and mastering my craft as well. Wearing Hip Hop, professional type of clothes, and get really nice and shiny dreads, with really nice, then glasses. A complete and total re-imaging of myself, as the one known as “Beckett “Garbo” Baldwin”. I’d even started learning multisyllabic rhymes, internal rhymes, word-play, & metaphors, just to make myself become even more badass, than I’d thought I would ever be.

Why? What else. Anything to make up not being a nobody, and just be all alone, as a complete nobody as well. With the hopes and dreams, of becoming a muscle-bound Authorpreneur/Musicpreneur/Olympian Athlete. Wanting to make great songs, go on tour, and become a great celebrity figure that makes “Artist of the Year” or “Artist of the Decade” as well.

I know this is just WPS Writer, but in my first ever journal, this is the last entry of the journal. I hope one day, I can buy another Garfield type of journal again, but by then, I’ll at least be a somebody in my own type of way. Developing great self-esteem, without needing adulation, attention, or kissing up, to make me truly feel special. Writing into this entry of my journal, I’ll be 17 (which this is the 29 year old self writing this), becoming a mature, responsible, very strong, and attractive male, with versatility in his skills, with multiple books well-written, and becoming instant best sellers as well. And years and years of experience ahead of him. I don’t care if this world doesn’t want to change for the better, that everyone else around has become greedy, immoral, and selfish, and  wants to bash and hate just about everything around them. And eff like rabbits, have a child too early, and have custody battles or just not be a part of that child's life anymore. Or constantly dealing with people who just don't want to understand me. Why? Because as painful things have been, I’m going to keep pushing forward and keep striving and aiming with high ambition, to become the symbol of what I’d always wanted to become. A straight up bad ass black male, who lives an exceptional life, and always searching for ways to grow on a daily basis. Never to conform what is considered to be “normal”.
See you around, until we meet again someday. As for now, this will be my final word to you, before I leave, and it’s a very meaningful and emotional one: Good-bye, my best friend and thank you, for being with me through my adolescence years, as I’d continue to move forward. I’ll make absolute sure, that those three dreams, are accomplished, and that they will not go to waste. Not at all. And if there was ever a time where I'm glad I've listened to my gut and continued tabbing into the literary and film field, it would be in a dire time like this.

Signed with great thanks,

Garland Jones Bennett, III aka. “Becket Baldwin” & “Garbo, The Polymath”

P.S.- "Stories are the equipment for living."- Robert McKee's "Story" (1997)

 [G.B.III1]Trust me, young one, the feeling is still just as strong, just as potent, and still just as lively inside of me, like you wouldn’t even believe. And believe me, your going to get there, and leave a huge niche in this world.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

My thoughts on Feminism...

For the longest time, I'd been wanting to write a topic about strong female characters. This isn't to say that we shouldn't have them, but rather focused on making them more well-versed, well-rounded, and all-around, to make them authentic. Instead of just having kick the guy's ass, and we're all fine with it. Or just outright go neo-feminist nazi type, and just outright have this misandrist perspective, that men and boys are scums of the earth & should be eradicated as well. Leaving only the handsome, broad-shouldered, and muscular to have around as boy toys. To be easily manipulated, so that it's relatively easy, to keep control & never have to worry about being out of control. "Control" seems to be the problem.
Now I'm not saying that women in roles for TV, Film, & Digital or New Media, can't be written very well.Especially for them to say their lines. What I'm saying is, if their not well-versed, well-written, or even have multifaceted aspects going for them, then it's just a personality thing that people can't get behind. Not just the women problem. After seeing  a number of movies that have women and girls in them, the best ones from what I've seen, are the one's with a variety of emotions. And just always trying to punch or kick someone or something. These female characters are resilient, have perseverance,  and know what vulnerability is not a weakness, but an inner strength. An inner strength to still trust, despite having felt hurt, pain, and abuse at one point of a person's life. Inner strength is something of which I can't stress that enough times. Because it needs to be talked about more.
I'm going to use one of my magnum opuses, as an example. The first one being "C.T.W." Where you have two of the "Four Noble Animal Leaders" who are women and females. Both are strong, but not just physically, but personality, mentally, and spiritually. Their fierce, lethal, but know their limitations as females, but don't feel very ashamed about it. They even have a second-in-command or right hand man, that's a woman as well. Even when they'd fought against each other, there was deep motivation, deep emotions, and the fight was intense because of it. There was that strong will to protect things that were precious to them. Even when the Ken Slayers were attacking them, instead of just submitting and letting them do as they'd please, they'd fought back tooth-and-nail. They've thrown down agains them. Letting them know, that they don't run the show around here. And despite being overpowered, they'd still kept their strong will intact. Still being proud of being a Hugertar or a Coco member or elite. And the fact that they've forgave the Ken Slayers, for what they've did to them, while not letting them off the hook, shows again the inner strength that they have, to forgive.
       Now, diving into Volume#1 and beyond, completely negating the short story, you'd still see Minerva, Diana, Vesta, and Ariel. All of which are strong female characters in their own right. And all of them play their role to contribute well into the storyline. Including Vesta, as has it not been for her, none of them would've found each other. And that's three main female characters, in one particular series, along with a main supporting character. It certainly beats out the Bethel Test, where of course there are two or more female characters, and they don't just talk about a guy that they like. Even in Ed's Journey, we'd got Anna, Flora, and Artume who are the main female characters in the Trilogy.
And for the villain's side of the first magnum opus, you've got Abagail, Kore, Helena, and Milena. You've got them as part of this deadly terrorist organization, and even though not each of them are stronger than the other, they all have special skill sets, that makes them deadly. Even the final villain in the series, is a draconically transformed woman, much like Irene Bielgseen from Fairy Tail, who's like "Tia-mat"; Queen of all of the Dragons. The one who's been pulling the strings from all around, and things were getting intense, because of it.
And then there's my other magnum opus, "Saintly/Angelic Warriors", which outside of the prologue, you've got Amelia, Tiana or Tiara, Aria, and Jezebel. Again, the combination of three main female characters & one main supporting character too. Jezebel goes on to train very hard, and becomes someone of high rank. Amelia gets character development, Tiara does as well, and Aria through time will too. And once again, just like in C.T.W, the final villain is the mysterious woman, who claims the name Tiamat. But in contrast to C.T.W, where she wasn't mentioned until Volume#2, she's mentioned the first volume, that comes to mind.
So there you have it, I'm all for having strong female character left and right. But only when they have a wonderful personality, likeable traits, and abilities that fit the nature of their name, background, and character. Other than that, as long as this world continues to make ridiculous news, where they think women aren't getting so much attention, that's debunked because for the past few years, have been a shift of such.

Sunday, April 2, 2017


Just to give a quick update, since I know I've been gone for a minute, I won't be working on the final volume of the "Celestia/Terrestrial Warriors" series, since I've been on it since '07 and republished the first volume in April of '11. It's been one helluva of a ride working through this, and I'd want to thank anyone, who took time out of their day, to read just a bit of what I've had to offer. The final volume that I've had planned, won't be out until either April or August of '22. Assuming the world doesn't blow itself up by now. Or that a massive civil war happens, that causes the worse riots that you'll ever see out there.
Until then, I'm going to work on the Graphic Novel or Graphic Literature version of my work. Just so that I can improve the quality of my work. Until then, take care and look forward for more in the near future.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

NaNoWriMo Update

Starting this November, I'll be participating once again in National Novel Writing Month. I want to take this opportunity, to finally get around and finish the sixth manuscript of the "Celestial/Terrestrial Warriors" series. The seven-planned e-book series. And here and there, I'll copyedit any of the other previous manuscripts, that need some more work. All while still going to Full Sail University, for my Master's Degree in Creative Writing. Once that's good and done, I'll spend my Christmas vacation, editing through the sixth manuscript, and sell it out to the public once it's good and ready to go. This is a good time to go ahead and wrap up the series on the best note. Before I get back to writing & editing for the "Saintly/Angelic Warriors" series. I plan on using Scrivener, Ulysses, and Shaxpir, in order to write through the manuscript, with descriptions of scenes, and notes from the Novelist himself.

Thank you for still following me, and there will be some other updates coming soon about the progress during the National Novel Writing Month.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Childhood Journal Entries 7/23/02 & 8/19/02

These are two new childhood entries, that I've written. It's been months since I'd posted some new ones, but due to the situation going on in the world today, I'd figured writing more of this, would be good for the soul. Just reading through my childhood entries, would help me stay focused, and not lose so far behind. 

Hopefully you enjoy. 

P.S.- If you can be able to not judge these entries as such, that would be great. At the time, during Middle School, I was trying to find my identity. These passages are a nice reminder, of how I was trying to find them. If I don't list the name of the person to whom I'm referring to. It's mainly because I don't want to compromise their name. 


Dear Journal, 

It's me again. Yeah, but obviously I'm just ticked off, at this person to whom I treat as a rival. Why? Because he's so cool, skilled, and popular is why. Everything I challenge him at, whether it be Video Games, Yu-Gi-Oh, Freestyling, Wrestling, or dance offs, he would not only defeat me but humiliate me as well. Making me feel as though, I can't measure to him in any particular way. The more he beat me in those fields, the more humiliated, angry, and outraged I'd feel, because of how much he would rub it in my face. I find him to be a jerk for that, but because he has charisma, so many people like him. Thus why he's so popular. 
Because of this, I would train outside, practicing and trying to master all of the fields that I can think of: dancing, drawing, singing, freestyling, Yu-Gi-Oh (Strategizing), reflexes in my hand-eye coordination, & learn Wrestling moves. All throughout the summer, I've been doing those. Wanting to be excellent in all of them. So that I can get a lot of attention, and feel important as well. Losing to him, was no longer an option for me. I'd felt as though, that I had to get up to par with him, in all of those areas. So that I can be really good, just like him. I'll write to you another time, but until then, I'm going to keep training & practicing. So that I can be cool too. 


Dear Journal, 
Hello once again. I've just spent a month and a few days. I'm still training & this is my 8th-grade year now. But because of this, I've been under a lot of extreme pressure. According to just about every boy and know what? Forget it. What's the use, the real revelation of all of this, is that no matter how hard I try and train as hard as I could, I'm not as good-looking, as skilled, and as amazing as the cool and popular guys. Just left of the totem pole. What's worse, is that I've gotten ignored, neglected, and given the constant silent treatment from just about everyone else. Because I'm not as cool, or as amazing, or as popular, as the rest of the cool kids. 
I've should've known, that there was no way that I could've gotten a girlfriend, because as far as I'm concerned, I'm way out of the league of the supernatural beauty type. The more that I think about it, the more I resent myself, for not being able to be just like the beautiful people as well. 

So those are my two childhood entries. If you can already tell, I wasn't...sigh...the most self-confident person. Often times, I'd wish I'd stopped beating myself up so much. But nevertheless, that's what I was like back in Middle School. It somewhat changed in High School, but not until later on. 

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Camp NaNoWriMo & November NaNoWriMo

I won't be writing a very, very long statement or update with this. I'm just going to get to the point, so that'll way I'll prepare for the upcoming events that're stated up in the headline. As of right now, due to one of my blog post showing some interest in having the e-book series, I'll be focusing on finishing the sixth manuscript of the "Celestial Terrestrial Warriors" series, throughout the whole entire year. So I'll be using the time with "National Novel Writing Month", to write & edit through the whole entire manuscript. Making sure it's as polished and as amazing as I can make it to be. And I'll also be focusing on going to grad school, to get my advanced degree at Full Sail University. With that, that is all.
Also, I'll be more active on Twitter, Stage32, & ScreenCraft, using WriterDuet & Celtx more often.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

A fine line between growing up vs. having fun...

Today, there won't be no childhood entries. Just talking about life experiences, just to put it best. It won't be too long, because I'm not in the "Storytelling" mood. At least, not for something too long. So here we go. 

For some weird reason, the millennials, think that we need to always have fun. And to a certain degree, I do agree. Fun is entertainment, recreation, and amusing no less. But my argument to that is, that, if we're always having fun, there there is no productivity. Because having too much fun, also encourages laziness and not living up to your life's purpose. It even encourages Sloth, which is one of the 7 deadly sins, because your not living up to all of the gifts that you have, and that's a big no-no. I guess to me, when your always having fun, being overzealous, loud, rude, and obnoxious, your just being inconsiderate & insensitive to other's feelings, because your being too pre-occupied in your own self, to see the damage that your doing to others. 
Every since I was a child and a teenager, I've been goal-oriented. To me, having fun, is living up to and maximizing your potential, to see how far you can achieve and gain inner satisfaction and glory from it. Friendly competition was fun to me, but even I'm fully aware, that there will come a time, when I reach a certain age, where I need to work on my career, and offer productivity, for excellent products and services for people to enjoy. For me, it came in the forms of e-books, graphic design, and digital music for products, while services were graphic design, coaching, and potentially being a fitness trainer. And even became a entrepreneur in the process. Dedicating and committing my time to leaving behind excellent products with satisfaction from those who seek it from me. So because I'm an adult now, satisfaction is what I seek. Not trying to have fun, like I'm a child again. Because even through childhood, I've never displayed such traits, that were the same as the other kids. And I can tell you that now, that won't change neither. 

Just wanna give my entry for the day about it. 

Don't call it a comeback or return...

It's been almost 8 or 9 years since I've made a blogpost. The 2020's have been a wild ride in terms of life-changing things goin...